The Teacups Shook in Their Hands.

A few people responded to my last post about raising $100,000 by pointing out that "every little bit helps" and offering to send checks on the order of $100 or so. I'm humbled by these texts and emails, and gladly accept the offers. My first such check came yesterday, from my friend Rudy in Cleveland. The check was enclosed in this watercolor based on the "Frog and Toad" series:

They were scared. Their teacups shook in their hands.

They were scared. Their teacups shook in their hands.

On the back, Rudy wrote, "Verso, the fruits of stay-at-home fatherhood. I wish you the best of luck and am so pleased to be able to pay a tiny part." Nice use of "verso," first of all. Second, sentiments like this strengthen my resolve and underline my belief that none of us is alone in what we do. Third, how awesome is this watercolor?! And fourth, on a related note, I guess Rudy's gunning of the Father of the Year award. His kids are lucky!

Thanks Rudy. I'm very touched.